Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Can't Believe I Want A Pair of Pajama Jeans

I'm not feeling all that well - my immune system is obviously compromised because I'm finding myself watching perplexing shows like "The Real Housewives of Atlanta."  I'm obviously very ill.

As I stared helplessly at the TV, this commercial comes on about Pajama Jeans.  Perhaps its my sickness or my boredom, but I think I want to order a pair. 

I fit ALL the criteria:

Do you love stylish, sexy jeans?  YES I DO.
Do you love soft, comfy pajamas?  YES I DO.

There is even a secret DORMA-SOFT lining. 

The commercial said that you can even SLEEP in these jeans.  I LOVE TO SLEEP.  And, sometimes if I've had too much to drink, I have been known to fall asleep in my jeans... so these seem like the perfect jean for me.

And, the fact that the jeans that I'm wearing right now are cutting off the circulation to the lower half of my body...this makes the comfy PAJAMA JEANS even more appealing.

Oh, curses to you Pajama Jeans~ CURSES!  Even though I want to be comfy and stylish in a pair of jeans that is full of secret ingredients, I am conflicted about buying something that I can wear to go out to dinner then fall asleep in.  Its a slippery slope....

The commercial says "You can wear them everyday!"  GOD, what if I DO wear them everyday?  Then I'm sleeping in my pajamas and wearing them to the grocery store, and work, then sleeping again.  Before you know it, its like I'm a homeless lady- yet a comfy,stylish homeless lady.

Perhaps I will wait to order them tomrrow...

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