Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Fake Dog Poop Makes An Awesome Present

This story was not on my list until today.  However, it’s so completely and unbelievable strange (and true) that I had to share it immediately.  I need to remove it from my head, and therefore I will now put it in your head.  That will make me feel better.

To the average person, my mother may appear normal.  She looks like your typical middle-class, stay-at-home, southern Baptist, mom.   She doesn’t travel to exotic places or work out at the gym, or dance at a bar, or gamble in a casino.   She’s the mom that made our home-made play-dough, packed our lunches everyday, drove us to dance lessons, and made pot-roast each Sunday. 

Everything looks normal to the UNTRAINED EYE.

I know things.   And, those things scare me because I see so much of myself in her, and personally, I think she’s off her rocker.  I have so many, many, many mom stories.. and each one of them could be self-sustaining … so, I won’t make this particular story a compilation.  I feel like I’m a caveman, and I’ve heard a story from another cave-person, and I have to run back to my cave and scratch it on the wall … 

My conversation with my mom today:

MOM :  You don’t have to use dirty words on your blog.  Stupid people use dirty words, like rappers.

ME:  It’s my blog, and sometimes I need to use that kind of language to reveal the depths of my experiences.

MOM:  You need a thesaurus.  It would give you alternate words to use.  For example, the word derrière is just as funny as the word ass.

ME:   I have a thesaurus.  I didn’t use the word ass to be funny.  It was just a word I used to describe my butt.  And, derrière is not as funny as the word ass.  Ass beats derrière.  Hands-down.

*This is where the conversation takes a sharp turn, and runs smack into bizarre.  She wants me to write a letter to go inside a present that she is giving to someone.  This may sound reasonable to the UNTRAINED PERSON. 

The explanations behind the present are numerous… but lets just go with this:  It’s a "gift" to a professional person who is incompetent .. and apparently is now going to deal with the wrath of my mother forever.  So, then she tells me her PLAN:

MOM:  I’m giving a “present” to  X. (x= the un-named person)  I want you to write a letter to give with the present.

ME:  What’s the present?

MOM:  Fake dog poop.  I was saving real dog poop in ziplock bags in the freezer, but I’ve consulted some people who told me that it would be best to buy fake dog poop.

ME:  Yes,  fake dog poop makes a much better present than real, frozen dog poop.  Everyone knows that.  DUH.

MOM:  So, I ended up going to Spencer’s Gifts at the mall to buy the fake dog poop.  That place is horrible and satanic.  If I had to go there everyday I would be skinny, because it made me so nauseated that I couldn’t eat.

ME:  Really?  So, Spencer’s made you nauseated, but storing dog poop in the freezer is perfectly fine.

MOM:  I've put the fake poop in a very pretty gift bag but I need something SCATHING to write in the card.  But, you can’t use any bad language.

ME:  Wow, so you want to give someone dog poop, but don’t want to use offensive language.  THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE.  Sure, I’m in.

That’s when it hit me. 
It’s like I have time traveled forward, and I am speaking to a “Future Me”….   HOLY CRAP!  I felt complete panic set in.  Things were flashing through my mind.. because I knew with ALL CERTAINTY.. that this is EXACTLY like something I would do.  EXACTLY.  Except I would use bad words.

I quickly made a mental list of things my mother wouldn’t doand I tried to do them all real quick… So I did a shot of tequila and I ran on the treadmill…  I turned on the radio and listed to some Sting and Bon Jovi…  I got a pedicure. (my mom told me to never get a pedicure because people die from pedicures.)  I flipped someone the bird.  

I was now ready to write the perfect letter to accompany the dog poop present:

“Dear X – I think you are a piece of excrement that came out of the anal cavity of a canine.”

There, that should do it.   Now for another shot of tequila…..

PS.  During my research of fake dog poop, I wanted to let my readers know that you can buy 1 Dozen Fake Dog Poop in Bulk from for 9.95.   Apparently dog poop makes an awesomely delicious present.


  1. That one was the BEST Kelly! I'm trying to picture mom buying the poop in Spencer's....What would the FBC friends say?!

  2. I think my mom ran into Shirley Lindsey in Spencers. :)

  3. I am trying to picture my Mom even walking into Spencers, if she did she NEVER told me LOL

  4. She tried to get me to do this...i said no! return address....I hope they dont track down the fake poop" it's called hate mail..i did ENOUGH time because of your mother....literally...good luck with that.

  5. LOL- donnie sad he NEVER wants to make mom mad!

  6. another HILARIOUS and true story. My life is so boring.
